Certified Tech Developer

Educational Technology

We helped Digital House with its regional expansion. Together we built a platform that allowed the automation of the Certitified Tech Developer onboarding process, which allowed them to strengthen its regional presence.

Enrolled users

The Challenge

Digital House is an Edtech start-up based in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú and Uruguay. It offers a variety of intensive courses and short careers to train their students in the most demanded digital skills.

In 2020 they launched a two-year-long programming career that aims at creating a new academic concept based on agile methodologies and intensive practice: Certified Tech Developer. This program was sponsored by MercadoLibre and Globant, two Argentinian Unicorns.

Since their former onboarding process couldn’t handle the large number of candidates they were expecting, we joined them to build a more efficient platform that enables the automation of every step of the workflow.

The Solution

There was a tight deadline with a public launch date set by Mercado Libre and Globant on the media. We had to work fast and effectively.

Our first goal was to launch campaigns in Colombia and Argentina with a large number of visitors. As a first step, we went through an intense discovery and definition workshop, where we defined an initial candidate evaluation workflow together with different stakeholders from Digital House. Then we built the first version of the platform in 1.5 months.

We reached our goal and the campaign was a success.

Next step involved adapting to different campaign needs and expanding to Brasil, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico and Peru. The business was constantly evolving and the software had to evolve at the same speed. We faced this new challenge with an agile approach and a dedicated team who worked closely with business experts.

The outcome was a platform that allowed Digital House to create different campaigns with custom onboarding workflows: everything from the sign-up process, including automated skills evaluations, scheduling interviews, and video presentations, to payments and virtual campus sign-up.


During this period of time, more than 80.000 candidates went through the onboarding process and over 5.000 scholarships were granted.


Product Development, Strategic Advice, Product Discovery


Responsive frontend web, API, admin console, integrations


React & Typescript, Kotlin, AWS



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